The Headway of Democracy
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The Headway of Democracy

The words 'Democracy' and ' Dictatorship ' have been frequently using in our circadian life, but have you ever thought, what does democracy and dictatorship mean? The former talks about the government that is run under the will and desire of the mobs or as Lincoln says, “the government of the people, by the people and for the people.”, and the latter describes the form of government in which an individual hold the power and authority who is not responsible before anyone. In democracy, people choose their candidates from certain constituencies and elect them as representatives of their place to raise their concerns before the state. These elected members then elect the 'head of the government' who form a cabinet that works under the head of the government.

In dictatorship, the individuals are under the thumb of the ruler and no one can stand against in his path. A dictator comes into power by the help of military establishment or through the help of a particular party in chaotic circumstances, who has no tenure of his portfolio to be end. Such type of ruler could be supplanted either by death or by revolution.

It’s an evident fact that the world and nation has now been transforming to the true democracy and no kind of authoritarian and dictatorial regime is considered to be worthy of acceptance, that’s why the focus has mainly kept on the true side of democracy in this take. In democratic system, candidates or elected members govern the discipline of the government and the folks supervise over their acts, enactments and performances.

The people applaud candidates for their accomplishments and take a broad side of their incompetency, foul policies and any sort of act that has lack of public interest. As democracy is based on the principle of liability, that's the thing which ward the electable off from doing any misdeed. There is no alternative for democracy, but it needs certain prerequisites to be sprouted well. Firstly, there must be a dire need of tolerance in the democratic system; where the critics must be sustained; an esteem for the difference of opinion; dexterity of conceding majority's decisions and giving an attentive ear to the other's arguments. If there is lack of tolerance deficit, then the progress of democracy can be acquired for sure, and if not, then it can be dramatically halted. Secondly, responsibility. If there is a sense of responsibility within the masses, they have the aptness to preserve their rights and being a citizen, they are obliged to their duties with reliability, consequently, the democracy moves in the direction of its headway. If the people in a state turn blind eyes and deaf ears to their obligations, the growth of democracy is hindered. Therefore, it is said that ' Vigilance ' is the price of democracy. Thirdly, there must be an economic and social justice for any individual and all must be hold accountable to the law.

As poverty is the root of all evils so, tangible steps need to be addressed to uproot it. To ensure the provision of employment and quality education for all, so that good citizens could be made. The other contributory factors in this regard are, fundamental human right for the common people as well as constitutional rights and independence of judiciary. In a nutshell, true democracy is the best form of the government which works for the greater interest of the people. It also brings out the political consciousness of the people and as a result, the people take interest in the public issues to be figured out.

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