Afghanistan: is the future at stake?
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Afghanistan: is the future at stake?

The two decades protracted US-Taliban war came about of naught outcome. As the US troops pullout has to be finalized till August 31, 2021, the impetus of Taliban for be-sieging provincial capitals is also spiking up and nine capitals Lashkar Gah, Kunduz, Herat, Kandahar, Farah……etc. came under their control. More and more swathes are coming under the Taliban militias and they have taken more control than ever be-fore after 9/11. The continuation of blows upon blows between Afghan security forces and Taliban are being seen due to the very visibility of withdrawal deadline. The probability of reduction in the ongoing unrest appears extinguished.

Notwithstanding the US supremacy in military and economic, it has been defeated in the two decades’ long fight at last. After such a historic blow to the US, it drew down and the Taliban offensives have become irresistible now. The gravity of current afghan’s plight has raised grave concerns for the regional players notably included China and Pakistan.

Pakistan has been blamed for providing safe heaven and sanctuary to the insurgents several times despite, the most affected country that faced 70,000 plus casualties, waves of terrors, political in-stability and damaged to the infrastructure in the aftermath of the so called ‘war on terror’. Pakistan played its role well in the negotiation in Doha_ the Qatari capital_ and still wants Afghan eternal peace. If there is peace and tranquility, there will be peace in the region as well. But the two warring sides in Afghanistan have toughened their standings which is worrisome for the whole region.

Since last month, the parley between Taliban and Afghan government has stalled and onslaughts have been exacerbated. This sort of stalemate has increased the strain among the neighboring countries because, if there remains the Taliban hegemony, the rest of the militant groups will be inspired such as East Turkistan Islamic Moment, that seeks an independent state for the Uighur Muslims hold in detention in Xinxiang province China and the banned outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) that also aims to make independent the tribal regions of Pakistan along the Afghan border.

Due to all these circumstances, the regional stability along with the future of afghan’s citizens at stake. The ongoing hassle in the neighboring Afghanistan might again pave the way for refugees spillover to Pakistan that could create economic burden for a fragile economy of Pakistan, scarcely going in the direction of improvement.

In these grave situation, US wants Pakistan’s air bases to be utilized for counter-insurgency against Taliban. But this time, a lot has been learned from the his-tory and the respond will be in absolutely not. As the premier reiterated “we are not going to be a part of any conflict any more”. Aiding the US in providing the bases will have far worsened implications for Pakistan in terms of social and political tumults and the challenge of terror can be encountered.

What about the solution of Afghan people? There was a time for political reconciliation between Taliban and Afghan government when the troops were 150,000 in number. But now as the pullout has fleeted its feet, the solution of political settlement has far difficult probability because, Taliban think they have won and that is the reason of on-going swift advancement in conquering the capitals. All the regional stakeholder should play their key role to ensure the safeguard of the afghans and to avert the civil war. Sanity must be prevailed to prevent loss of human lives. Otherwise, keep Afghan blitzing ad infinitum.

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